I was taken on a trip of a life time.
Patiya has suggested to Master that I also accompany them on their trip, as they were going from Tuesday to Sunday, and he had little faith that
Sameera would take care of me in his absence.
I was taken in the inside of the cab and not on the flat bed. There were lots of things to see along the way, but I decided to curl up and rest my head on the pillow and nap along the way, as I was stroked from time to time, and did not feel the time pass.
Gamini was picked up from Giriulla which made it a little crowded in the cab but I survived as I knew I was about to explore some new pasteurs.
The greatest thrill was that I was rarely on the leash or tied up, and was allowed to roam around. I was warned to expect competition from the resident dogs, but on arrival found none to snarl at me, and I was top dog from the start. Later another male dog turned up and growled at me, but though he was much older than me I was much bigger and I was too pre-occupied to bother with his antics as I certainly was not going anywhere.
My master took so many photos of me frolicking in the fields in the morning sun, with my ridge so apparent in the reflection. He had also taken some beautiful shots of the sun rise. We then went to his sisters property which is adjacent to his and I was lying in the sand by the river, much like beach sand as the overflowing river had dumped a lot of sand on the banks. It was so soothing to walk on and lie on too and more photos were taken.
Then he lost his camera and he is blaming me for hiding it somewhere on the property. Come on why would I do that? After all the stunning shots of me for my blog, and I hide the camera!!! give me a break please!!!
So there goes the handsome shots of my trip out of town. I had a great time frolicking in the river and I also learned to swim, a great feeling. Sadly it was too short, as I had the privilege of sleeping on the kavichchiya at a height from Patiya's bed so I could see him from my vantage.
I am back to my closed kennel and locked in these days as there are two baases making my dog run, a very sturdy fence around to keep us in and prevent us from causing too many headaches. At least I will be able to run about a little more, and not be confined to a locked kennel, that is claustrophobic even though it can house four of us without a pinch!
Patiya is helping the baases as he is keen that it is completed as soon as possible, so he does not have to worry about my security. Even the fence is 6ft high so no one dare come in or none of us will have a dog in hell's chance of jumping out as I know no dog that has done a 6ft high jump.
Come and see me in my play pen will you!!
Ta ta for now and hope master gets himself a digital camera to show my progress in becoming the most famous Ridgeback of all time!!